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Dannce Body Dance Class

Created by Dancer/Personal Trainer Ann Haskel

Dannce Body  has also created a jazz-based

dance class specifically designed for dancers 

who are no longer able to manage the rigors

of a regular dance class.


Also great for dance fitness participants who

are looking to take it to the next level & gain

new dance skills.


Our 25 min. warm-up gets us ready to dance

full out during our choreography section.


Our 25 min. choreography section is taught

just like a regular dance class...


   Step-by-Step!  Count-by-Count!


Our 10 min. cool-down includes more barre

work ends with a standing center stretch.


Join us...Your first class is FREE


Every Sunday 10:30am & Wednesday 1:00pm   


Foster Dance Studios

915 Foster Street Evanston


Drop-in Class - $15.    8 Classes - $115.


Contact Ann:

text or phone  224-558-5235


Become an Instructor... See Instructor Training

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